AI for All Solutions

Our Services

We specialize in building intuitive AI apps, agents, and autonomous custom technology solutions tailored to the diverse needs of our clients and users.

Our Apps



GeoDataMine is a geological data science stack for searching and analyzing large geological databases.

The goal of GeoDataMine is to compile all Canadian geological information into a single master database and provide user access to this master resource via powerful AI assistants and an intuitive chatbot interface.

Open Source

File Renamer

Renames files, based on their contents, in a given directory. Python, Bash, Linux, CLI, open-source tool.

Supported file types: .txt, .csv, .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png.

Also serves as great example of how to develop custom GPT using Assistants API!

About Us

We love solving your technology problems and are dedicated to making AI accessible to everyone, via natural language chat interfaces.

Contact Us

Get in touch and let us know what problem you'd like us to solve for you; no job is too big or too small! We'd love to hear from you :)